People’s MAnifesto for Camden

Camden has long been celebrated for its diversity and vibrancy by those lucky enough to live in it but the last 10 years under Tory government and a Labour MP and council our community has suffered from neglect, austerity, and the crisis in housing. While both parties promise endless money for war, weapons, and the wealthy— our schools and hospitals face cuts and more and more of our neighbours are forced out of Camden by rising rents and house prices.

I am standing in this General Election because I see our voice being ignored and our support taken for granted. I see our communities used only as stepping stones towards further power. I believe that MPs should serve only local people, not party machines or corporate interests. They must listen to local voices, not the establishment. There should be no such thing as a safe seat or a career politician.

I am running on the issues people face every day, on the issues no party machine can fix. Keir Starmer’s Labour promise change: but in almost a decade with him as our MP we’ve seen our rents rise and conditions worsen. The people of Camden deserve better than a choice between austerity in a red or blue tie. We can make history by taking power back into the hands of local people.

This manifesto is a product of the people of Camden, their concerns, their needs and their visions. I hope for this to be a living document, which will grow and change with the needs of our community.

No matter the results, we will not rest after election day. We will continue to fight to make sure Camden’s voice is heard loudly and clearly in Westminster. With your help, Camden can lead the country to a more democratic, more engaged, and more prosperous future.

  • Living costs are spiraling and both parties choose to tax working people and protect corporate profits. I believe everyone should pay their fair share, and the burden should not be placed on working people. I’ll ensure increased funding for public services, more investment in local infrastructure and I’ll stand with workers and trade unions.

  • A Conservative government and Labour council has seen social and council housing decline and rents become unaffordable. I will campaign for rent controls, an end to no-fault evictions and to restore funding for affordable social housing.

  • The NHS has been crippled by decades of cuts and wait times have never been higher. Some Camden GP surgeries are now owned by a US healthcare company and a third of local dentists can’t offer NHS appointments to children. Labour refuse to rule out further NHS privatisation. I will campaign against NHS privatisation and to improve local NHS access and quality by ensuring NHS staff are give fair wages and conditions.

  • Our government and local MP, Keir Starmer, voted against a ceasefire in Gaza resulting in the ongoing genocide in Gaza, killing tens of thousands of men, women and children.
    I stand with the people of Camden against the ongoing atrocities, but Starmer does not. I will divest our Council from the ongoing genocide in Gaza, and halt the sale of arms to Israel and any other state in violation of human rights.

  • Slow political action to tackle the climate crisis threatens global stability and our children’s future. We must unhook our reliance on the fossil fuel industry, build clean energy and protect workers. I will campaign to bring back the essential £28 billion climate pledge to divest Camden from fossil fuels and reinvest that money in the future of clean, sustainable energy and industry.
    Together Camden can lead the country into a greener, cleaner world.

  • Our politics is driven by lobbying groups and corporate donations. I would work to clean up our broken politics by campaigning against the influence of the super-rich and tackling corruption.
    I am running against wasteful spending and corruption because I believe that the money we lose to tax evasion and corruption is stolen directly from our common services and infrastructure.
    I will make our constituency a model of transparency and accountability by inviting constituents into Parliament weekly, holding regular surgeries and consulting constituents in public meetings before major Parliamentary votes.

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