Andrew’s story

I’ve lived in Camden for over 22 years with my family. I moved from South Africa after serving in Nelson Mandela’s government as an MP. Camden is where my children were raised and the local community are my second family. I cherish the diversity and togetherness of Camden, but gentrification and cuts to local services have caused local decay. My family were evicted from our home after the landlord raised the rent by 400%. I remember how the stress and pressure weighed on me, and every day I see the same burden on my friends and neighbours. 

I served in Nelson Mandela’s government as an MP, and drafted key financial management legislation. I led the ANC component of the public accounts committee, championing transparent public spending and zero tolerance for corruption. In 2001, under President Mbeki, I resigned from Parliament after the government refused to allow my committee to investigate a massively corrupt arms deal. I founded a not for profit organisation investigating corruption in the global arms trade about which I've written acclaimed books and an award-winning film. Through this work, I’ve revealed how our tax money is used to fund weapons, while we’re left with the rising cost of rent, food, and bills.

I chaired the Aids charity Friends of the Treatment Action Campaign, fighting for accessible healthcare. I will campaign against NHS privatisation and for investment to improve local NHS services. I’ve been a life-long anti-war and anti-racism activist. I stood with Mandela against apartheid in South Africa and I stand with the Palestinian people against apartheid now. I speak at local schools on issues of racism because as the son of a Holocaust survivor I believe that all racism and discrimination is reprehensible.

In 14 years, the Tories ensured spiraling living costs and gutted our public services. Both Tories and Labour choose to squeeze working people as the super-rich get richer. The two main parties refuse to tax the extremely wealthy, protect the NHS from further privatisation, or bring in rent caps. Starmer has shown his values by not voting for a ceasefire in Gaza to his double-standard treatment of female candidates like Diana Abbott and Faiza Shaheen. Voting for Starmer will change nothing. 

I was chosen by members of our community to run as an Independent MP, because of my moral values and experience fighting for an economy that works for people, not corporations. As an Independent candidate, I’ll listen to local people, not billionaires. I’ll work for more and improved social housing, funding for our public services, and an end to the main parties’ support for genocide. I believe it’s an honour to serve my community and hope to earn your vote on Thursday 4 July. 

Why an independent?

  1. An independent candidate serves only local people, not political party agendas. Andrew will listen to local voices, not the establishment. 

  2. An independent MP only has one interest, and that’s local people. Andrew is not a career politician and his history and being independent shows that. 

  3. The rise of independent candidates across the country shows this is a growing movement. We can make history by taking government decisions back into the hands of local people.

Why end the two-party nightmare?

  1. Tories have given us 14 years of spiralling living costs. On every issue, Labour are promising more of the same: more austerity, more privatisation, more foreign wars. We can’t suffer another decade where the only choice is austerity in a red or blue tie. 

  2. Both Labour and the Conservatives have a track record of broken promises and corrupt politics. Andrew has moral values and a record serving people’s interests. 

  3. Starmer and Sunak view us as stepping stones to power and wealth. We deserve politicians who want to serve their local community and protect public services.

Join us to make history

Our campaign will require knocking on every door to get the message out. There are many ways to help from leafleting, canvassing to running street stalls. Join our volunteer team today.